Industry solutions

Intralogistics and warehousing

Simulate to organize your warehouses and increase the functionality of your intralogistics setups with synchronized operations.

Why simulate with Visual Components?

Well-integrated operations

Simulating with Visual Components highlights the bottlenecks in the logistics operations and offers smooth integration among different warehousing units. This helps in synchronizing the processes and streamline several tasks.

Organize the warehouse layouts

In a typical fast-paced and complex warehousing operation, several resources work together at the same time in the same space. This makes it hard to organize the warehouse layout and usually ends up interrupting the production flow. Visual Components enable smooth implementation of the process flow by a better organization of resources and their routes.

Improve the warehousing functionality

The number of products in intralogistics and warehousing facilities are usually very high that results in a complex material handling process. Simulation with Visual Components helps in improving the functionality of the warehousing systems and also categorizes and prioritizes the layouts based on the product demands.

Visual Components for the intralogistics and warehousing industry

  • Supply chains are global and e-commerce is driving dramatic growth in warehousing, distribution, and logistics operations. Everything needs shipping, storing, picking, consolidating, and rerouting before being transported to its final destination. Driven by increased competition, expectations for shorter delivery times, and advances in material handling technologies, the modern-day supply chain is technology-driven and increasingly automated.

  • One of the biggest challenges is picking efficiency. Pickers can walk miles each day, during which time they’re not picking and can make mistakes. Other challenges include minimizing labor expenses, (recruitment, turnover, and training as well as employment costs), and accelerating the velocity with which goods enter and leave.

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