Industry solutions

Heavy machinery

Simulate to improve your response to downtimes and increase your production efficiency.

Why simulate with Visual Components?

Improve responsiveness to downtimes

Any minor failure or a delay in heavy industry manufacturing processes results in a spike in production costs. You become more responsive to such scenarios with the use of Visual Components 3D simulation.

Be more adaptive and competitive

To stay competitive, you need to improve your process cycle times. Visual components production simulation helps by testing various scenarios in a risk-free environment and highlight the most optimal process implementations.

Better training and resource management

Visual Components Experience and Interactive Virtual Reality (VR) features are useful for training the site staff remotely. Such features improve your communication and also help in determining the correct resource allocation for different processes.

Visual Components for the heavy machinery industry

  • This category encompasses construction equipment, power generation components (boiler pipes, membrane walls, etc.), shipbuilding (open block panel lines, pipes, t-beams, etc.), offshore (pressure vessels, fuel/water tank manufacturing) and other large scale manufacturing equipment.

  • These manufacturers face many challenges. First is the growing list of environmental regulations taking hold around the world. Sustainable building practices, improved air quality and reduced emissions have become a major driver behind product design and development. Health and safety standards are also evolving, placing new burdens on manufacturers already battling a shortage of skilled labor.

    How is Visual Components used in the heavy machinery industry?

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