Industrial automation |

Asys Case Study

Find out how ASYS group is gaining major cost savings and a competitive advantage by using Visual Components.

various pieces of ASYS equipment

Major benefits in marketing, sales and manufacturing

ASYS group has deployed Visual Components software throughout their marketing and sales network, including their business partnership. The deployment has lead to some amazing results – including a more than 80 % improvement in sales response time.

The marketing department has been one of the major beneficiaries of the deployment. They are now using Visual Components as a means to rapidly create all kinds of material, such as graphic displays and literature for trade shows, advertisements for magazines, and marketing information such as data sheets and brochures.

“Once we have presented a proposal, if a customer wishes to see additional 3D layouts, we can adjust the existing configuration within a few minutes and e-mail back a PDF graphics file of the modified production line configuration. In this case we can save even more time, up to ninety per cent, compared to what we did before.”

Once we have presented a proposal, if a customer wishes to see additional 3D layouts, we can adjust the existing configuration within a few minutes and e-mail back a PDF graphics file of the modified production line configuration.

Convincing sales materials

In the past, producing a high-quality 3D illustration for marketing or sales presentations was costly and time consuming. It meant commissioning an external industrial design studio to produce the artwork.

The industrial designers manually developed an illustration for an existing machine or system from a 2D CAD layout and other images supplied by ASYS. An illustration for a new machine relied on a CAD drawing and close dialogue with the company’s engineers.

If a variant, option or radical change was requested a totally new illustration had to be produced. Not being linked to a CAD database, the existing illustration could not be re-used.

One solution package for all needs

ASYS has been using the Visual Components software suite since 2004. OEM Business Manager Klaus Bronner, based at ASYS group’s Dornstadt headquarters in Germany, said: “Today, we have one database – one central library of digital models – which is accessed by all our sales resources around the world. They have this cost-effective, flexible and portable tool to show prospective customers in 3D the latest ASYS product portfolio, with the additional feature of highly realistic and dynamic animation.”

It is both a powerful marketing and sales tool, but also greatly helps our engineering and manufacturing departments as well.

Klaus Bronner, OEM Business Manager, ASYS GmbH

In addition, thanks to Visual Components lightweight data structure for modeling, a layout showing the proposal in full 3D simulation, animated if required, can be e-mailed to the customer and viewed on the suite’s free-to-use simulation package.

Further reading